Working Dogs: Dez

September 12, 2023 at 3:26 p.m.

MEET: Dez at Reliable Cabinet Designs, 6900 San Casa Drive.

Pedigree and Age: Dez is a 3 ½ year old Havanese.

Likes: Belly rubs!

Dislikes: No complaints from Dez. He loves everyone and everything!

Pet Peeves: Dez does not like birds in his yard.

Office Jobs: To greet customers and look cute & adorable.

How Did You Acquire Your Human? My owner was looking for an awesome dog and there I was!

Owner’s Remarks: Dez loves car rides, going shopping, and visits to Home Depot. He’s my traveling buddy on both short & long trips. “Dez is the keeper of my heart and has all my love,” says owner Patty Weddle.