"Fox Hunt" at Tringali Park

June 6, 2024 at 12:37 p.m.

Bernie Schmeiz


On Saturday, May 18th, members of the Englewood Amateur Radio Society (EARS) got together at Tringali Park to set out to find a ‘Fox’ hiding somewhere to the south in the Rotonda area. The ‘Fox’ was a hidden transmitter sending out a beacon and the club had to use their receiving equipment and directional antennas to figure out where it was hiding. This exercise was a step up in difficulty from previous ‘fox’ hunts held at Ann & Chuck Dever Regional Park where the transmitter was hidden within a few hundred yards. Saturday’s exercise involved miles and a large piece of geography. Learn more about this club at earsradioclub.org. Pictured here is club member Bernie Schmelz, KO4ZQL, with his “home-brew” antenna.