EDC Announces Scholarship Winner
May 3, 2024 at 4:39 p.m.
The Democratic Women’s Club of Charlotte County (DWC) is excited to announce the recipient of their 2024 Betty Gissendanner Memorial Scholarship: Madeleine Googins from Placida, and a senior at Lemon Bay High School. Madeleine is an all-around scholar athlete and citizen of her school community. She is currently taking four college level courses for a total of 14 AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education), AP (Advanced Placement), and dual enrollment courses by the time she graduates. She is involved in seven extracurricular clubs and is an officer in three of them. And she is a varsity athlete in two different sports. Madeleine has reached these levels of achievement despite her family experiencing dire housing and business circumstances after Hurricane Ian. In her application, Madeleine notes that since her freshman year, “Student government has been the root of my involvement at Lemon Bay.” She was chosen as a delegate to Girls State but was unable to attend due to a family emergency. She says the experience of interviewing for Girls State helped her discover the multitude of opportunities that politics can provide for women in America. Madeleine plans to attend the University of Central Florida and her professional goal is to become a family dermatologist. A reception will be held for Madeleine on Monday, May 20, 2:30 pm, at the Punta Gorda Library, 401 Shreve Street, Punta Gorda. More information about the reception can be had by emailing [email protected]. The Betty Gissendanner Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Charlotte County young women who are graduating from high school and are registered or pre-registered as Democrats. They are chosen based on the characteristics that illustrate the values that were so important to Betty as a Charlotte County Democrat: Civic Engagement, Equal Opportunity, Women’s Rights, and Scholarship. To learn more about the Betty Gissendanner Scholarship Fund, go to dwccharlotte.com. To donate to the fund, make checks payable to Betty Gissendanner Scholarship Fund. Checks can be mailed to DWC Treasurer, P.O. Box 459896, Port Charlotte, FL 33949.